PrestaShop 8.0 – The Latest Release

PrestaShop 8.0 beta version was released earlier and has been under user testing for quite some time. However, the PrestaShop maintenance team released the last date for providing feedback on the beta version as October 20, 2022. As there have been no critical regressions with the beta version of the eCommerce platform, the final version of Prestashop 8.0 is now available for applications on webshops.

The PrestaShop 8.0 update comes with a whopping 170 bug fixes and compatibility with PHP 8.1. Other exciting new features include upgrades on libraries with Symfony 4.4, product pages are now open to experiments, and a security-centric page.

Certainly, these are enough reasons why any webshop should upgrade PrestaShop 1.7 to 8.0 version. However, before you upgrade to the latest PrestaShop version, have a look at what you are signing up for. 

Following are the Major New Features Available with PrestaShop 8.0

Security Features

  • Administrators can now fine-tune the password policies of the shop from simpler to higher levels of complexity.
  • The shop administrators can now view the user’s history & can also remotely disconnect the user sessions.
  • Users can now view the password strength while creating them.

Image Features

  • WebP format is now available for saving and storing images.
  • The webshop logo can now be deployed in SVG format.

Product Page Features

  • The product page has significant enhancements over combination management & bulk additions.

SEO Centric Features

  • Seo-optimised text can now be integrated into the category pages for higher visibility over the SERPs.
  • Webshop administrators can use 410 Gone status for discontinued products
  • You can now add the page number with meta title tags
  • A live character counter is also available for keeping descriptions under the limit

The PrestaShop 8.0 final version also has fantastic new features from development and design point. One can easily download the new version from GitHub. Notably, PrestaShop 8.0 is the semantic version of the eCommerce platform. So, most themes available with Prestashop 1.7 are compatible with PrestaShop 8.0. However, a few themes require specific updates.

Wrapping Up

That was all about the new and exciting features available with PrestaShop 8.0. If you are running your webshop in an older ecommerce platform version, it’s high time to upgrade to the latest version.

Our PrestaShop Web developers take a robust backup of your store on the Cloud before upgrading. So, there’s zero loss of data and minimum downtime while upgrading your webshop to the PrestaShop 8.0 version.

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