How To Improve The UX Of Your Prestashop Store?

Why is user experience important? When visitors visit your website, their experience will dictate whether or not they want to come back. Similar to how a dining experience can be influenced by a server, a user’s experience on your site can be swayed by good or bad design. In this article, we will talk about improving your UX because it’s the survival of the fittest.

UX Of Your Prestashop Store

User experience (UX) has a direct relation with the future of retail. Because of the rapid progression and fierce competition, it has become obligatory for online businesses to improve the UX of their online shops; otherwise, they might lose their customers to competitors. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that UX is essential for survival growth.

Not only does good UX aids in growth, rather leaves a positive impact on visitors/users/prospects and garners customer loyalty. One strong reason is the endless choices that customers have. One bad experience simply means resuming shopping elsewhere. Why would anybody waste time or struggle with a slow and complex interface?
Now the better question is,


Basis our experience, below mentioned are some of the most effective approaches which can help you improvise your UX and ultimately experience increased revenue and conversions:

Focus on Personalization
Due to innumerable options to choose from, personalization in eCommerce has become more important than ever. It helps brands in making a strong relationship with customers by personalizing their shopping experience.

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Great eCommerce UX is all about providing customized suggestions to users based on their past behavior. Product recommendations that are based on past purchases of the users increase the relevant content on your site and enable your users to discover new products they will possibly like. Further, a section with the title “Customers Who Bought This Product Also Viewed” can also prove as an excellent example of simple UX personalization. All this will raise conversions and provide a pleasant user experience.

Pro-tip: Adding simple recommendation sections can assist you in accomplishing a similar objective without much investment

Avoid Pressuring Users with Forms at the Very Start
Your interface must be designed in a manner that whatever data is required must take place over some time. Blocking users path of users with multiple fields for information as soon as they open your site will only make them leave. Make sure your business makes it easy for users to enter any kind of data or information at their convenience.

Boost and Optimize Page Speed
UX depends on the speed of loading and processing. People do not like to wait for more than three seconds for a page to load. The better the speed of the page, the better will be the user experience. Make sure

  • The page isn’t sluggish,
  • Images and files are optimized,
  • There is no unnecessary code,
  • You are using CDN for better server response time and so on.

All these together will have a major impact on page speed and ultimately the user experience.

Streamline the Checkout and Payments

This goes without saying!

Checkout is one of the most important aspects of user experience and must be as simplified as possible. Your users have found their desired product and are on the verge of buying, so don’t lose them now.

Here are some things to be kept in mind for simple checkout and satisfied users:

  • Do not compel them to sign up rather offer guest checkout
  • Give users multiple payment options (for example, Credit or Debit Card, PayPal, Amazon Pay, Cash on Delivery, etc.)
  • Have a consistent look and feel on all your pages
  • Embed minimum form fields i.e. ask only relevant information
  • Never redirect them to other websites to pay
  • Provide assurance on security and privacy
  • Include a call to action

Connect via social media
In the era of social connectivity, make sure it’s users can easily connect with your business via social media. This not only keeps them updated but gives them a sense of trust. Also, they can understand the brand and what it stands for in a much better way.

Gone are the day when UX was just another eCommerce aspect; it is now the norm. Make sure you follow it well. Keep looking for new ways and means to keep your website easy and simple to use.

Also, try seeking help from PrestaShop experts to ensure that the UX design is top-grade and compatible with today’s competitive market.

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