How To Ensure The Security Of Your PrestaShop Store

The online medium today is constantly evolving to ensure a safer and more secure environment for both businesses as well as the users. However, this has also led to hackers, trojan horses and malware getting smarter and finding ways to slip into your website through any cracks they may find and corrupt your website. Besides the damage it will do to your website, this also puts at risk your customer data which can be used by the hackers for their own benefit.


The most suitable action to take when you feel your PrestaShop store has been attacked by a hacker or infected by a malware is to contact an expert who has years of experience in developing stores. I’ve worked with clients on such projects earlier and have successfully secured the store with minimum or no damage. Here I’ve listed a few crucial steps I take whenever a Presta store’s security is at stake.

Ensuring Your Store’s Security

Clean it: The first and the foremost step is to clean a store by removing all the viruses, malware and malicious codes. This is done by scanning the web store for all malicious codes, viruses, hidden spam links and spam pages and terminating their activities by removing them from your store. This ensures that your store is safe from any attacks in the future.

Update PrestaShop store: Update your PrestaShop store to latest version. This strengthens the security of your store, provide a fix for any issues that were there in the previous version and removes any security lags in your accounts or transactions.

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SSL Certificate Integration: An SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate encrypts the data that is exchanged between a customer and web server by adding an extra layer of security to your site. SSL certificate will secure all the sensitive information on your store such as credit card details and customer details. A site having an SSL certificate will have a green padlock icon visible in the address field beside the store’s web address.

Strong Passwords: It might seem something trivial but a strong password is important for the security of a store. I would change all the passwords with complicated passwords that are not easy to crack.

Passwords And Usernames: Thereafter, I work with the store admin to assist in creating fresh usernames and passwords at different levels. This would generally include passwords for cPanel hosting, platform admin panel, FTP and databases.

Store Backup: A backup is basically a copy of all your store data including content, settings and database. A backup is taken of your store so that you don’t feel helpless in case your site is hacked, infected or crashes. Having a backup will ensure that your store can quickly recover after an attack and can easily be restored.

Security Plugins: I’ve years of experience in delivering personalised solutions for PrestaShop. I keep myself abreast with any latest developments that would help strengthen the security of a store. This includes searching the PrestaShop plugins marketplace and installing specific plugins that would ensure better security specifically for your business segment.

I have been providing advice and support for PrestaShop stores to a number of clients across the globe. Be it design, development, customisation, security or support and maintenance, I have the expertise in offering complete PrestaShop solutions. I always keep a keen eye on the technological advancements to ensure the best possible solutions with the highest level of security.

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